Academic RecordAdmin RolesExperiencesActivityTeachingPublicationAwards
- M.Sc in Computer Science [South Asian University, New Delhi, India]
- B.Sc. Information and Communication Technology(Vavuniya Campus )
- Coordinator / FQAC / FAS (presently)
- Head of the Department (08/05/2022 – 01/01/2023)
- Acting Head / DCS (08/04/2022 – 07/05/2022)
- Academic career guidance advisor (2020 – 2022)
- Coordinator/ IQAC- Faculty of Applied Science, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Integrative Sciences (IJIS)-2016
- Co- Secretary of First International Research Conference (TRInCo 2016)
- Coordinator/ UDG Trincomalee Campus
- Student Counsellor / Faculty of Applied Science
- Lecturer (Confirmed) in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Science, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka(June 2019 – now)
- Lecturer (Probationary) in Faculty of Applied Science, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka (March 2014 – June 2019)
- Assistant Lecturer (on Contract) in Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.(November, 2012 – March 2014)
- Tutor in ICT (on Contract) in Faculty of Applied Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.(January, 2012 – November 2012)
- One of the Criteria in charge of SER writing team – Institutional Review / Trincomalee Campus
- Representative of the IT Committee of EUSL
- One of the members of SER writing team – Programme Review
- Served as a Resource person for an online workshop on “Technology to Reach and Teach the Learners”
- Computer Networks
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
- Theory of Computing
- Assembly Language Programming
- Algorithm design and Analysis
- Data Communications
- Rapid Application Development
- Advanced Database Management Systems
- Object Oriented Programming
- Computer Progamming
- Agent Technology
- Knowledge based systems
- “Comparative Analysis of Traditional Load Balancing Algorithms in Software-Defined Networks”, Proceedings of 9th Ruhunu International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON 2022), p67, 2022.
- “Pitch Contour Stylization by Marking Voice Intonation”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), Vol 12, Iss 3, The Science and Information Organization, p636,2021.
- “Learning tool for converting Boolean expression and Logic circuit digram”, 3rd International Symposium – 2013, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Proceedings, Vol. 2, Mathematics and Computer Science and Statistics, p31, 2013.